Executive Function Tutoring:
What is Executive Function Tutoring?
Executive Function individualized tutoring is for 60 minutes, once a week, with a licensed clinician. The clinician will meet with the client and/or parent to discuss the concerns and challenges that are looking to be addressed. Typical challenges addressed during Executive Function Tutoring sessions are:
Emotional control
Initiation of tasks
Working memory
Organization of materials
As the clinician works with your child, specific goals and objectives are better realized. Most clients find it beneficial to participate in Executive Function Tutoring across a span of six months to two years. It is not typically covered by insurance and is billed at a private pay rate of $85/session
What is Executive Function Tutoring?
Executive Function individualized tutoring is for 60 minutes, once a week, with a licensed clinician. The clinician will meet with the client and/or parent to discuss the concerns and challenges that are looking to be addressed. Typical challenges addressed during Executive Function Tutoring sessions are:
Emotional control
Initiation of tasks
Working memory
Organization of materials
As the clinician works with your child, specific goals and objectives are better realized. Most clients find it beneficial to participate in Executive Function Tutoring across a span of six months to two years. It is not typically covered by insurance and is billed at a private pay rate of $85/session